Elliptical epoxy

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Sometimes mistakes pay off, I made this soap in a vessel in which I made another substance, so apparently there are sediments left. What created this beautiful and apparently rare shade of galvanized glass Wow, the soap was stolen before it even went on air so I decided to make more of it. The soap in this series has drainage holes for liquids, which help keep the soap dry after use

Dimensions : 13.5 cm wide / 9.5 cm long

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Elliptical epoxy
ืืœื™ืคื˜ื™ืช ืืคื•ืงืกื™ - Delicate Soaps & candles
ืืœื™ืคื˜ื™ืช ืืคื•ืงืกื™ - Delicate Soaps & candles
ืืœื™ืคื˜ื™ืช ืืคื•ืงืกื™ - Delicate Soaps & candles

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ย ื”ืกื™ืคื•ืจ ืฉืœื™ ืžืชื—ื™ืœ ื‘ืื”ื‘ื” ืœื˜ื‘ืข ื•ืœื›ืœ ื”ื™ืคื” ืฉื‘ื• ๐ŸŒฟ. ืืช ื”ืชื•ืืจ ื”ืจืืฉื•ืŸ ื•ื”ืฉื ื™ ื‘ื‘ื™ื•ืœื•ื’ื™ื” ืœืžื“ืชื™ ื‘ืคืงื•ืœื˜ื” ืœื—ืงืœืื•ืช, ืžืชื•ืš ืชืฉื•ืงื” ื’ื“ื•ืœื” ืœื—ืงืจ ื”ื˜ื‘ืข, ืื‘ืœ ืชืžื™ื“ ื”ื™ื™ืชื” ืœื™ ืชื—ื•ืฉื” ืฉืžืฉื”ื• ื—ืกืจ. ื™ื•ื ืื—ื“, ืื‘ื ืฉืœื™ ื–ืดืœ ืคื ื” ืืœื™ ื•ืืžืจ: "ื“ื™, ื”ื’ื™ืข ื”ื–ืžืŸ ืฉืชืžืฆืื™ ืขื‘ื•ื“ื” ืจืฆื™ื ื™ืช" (ื•ื”ืืžืช โ€“ ื”ื•ื ืฆื“ืง) ๐Ÿ˜‰. ืื–, ื‘ืœื™ืช ื‘ืจื™ืจื”, ืžืฆืืชื™ ืืช ืขืฆืžื™ ื›ื ืฆื™ื’ื”ย ืจืคื•ืื™ืช ื‘ื—ื‘ืจืช ืชืจื•ืคื•ืช, ืชืคืงื™ื“ ืฉืžืื•ื“ ืื”ื‘ืชื™, ืจืง ืฉืคื—ื•ืช ืื”ื‘ืชื™ ืืช ื”ืกื‘ืœ ืฉืจืื™ืชื™ ืกื‘ื™ื‘ื™

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